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In this post we'll create an application where users browse movies and their average rating. We'll use withAvg to calculate it and a blade view to show results.
In this post we'll make a simple application that shows how to calculate the sum of 2 columns, by printing online_sales + in_store_sales of a specific product.
In this post you'll use withSum to aggregate and sum a related table column. We'll make migrations, models, insert data and calculate total sales per product.
Laravel expects images to be served from the public folder. In this guide you'll learn two methods to overcome this and display images from the storage folder.
This post will guide you through creating an app that uses @switch @case @default. We'll create a model, migration, controller, view, route and factory+seeder.
This post shows how to build an app that orders posts by their number of comments. We'll add models, relations, testdata and a page that shows the sorted posts.