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In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use the Laravel Excel package to upload an Excel file and import its contents into an array for custom processing.
In this tutorial, we'll install the 'Laravel Phone' package to validate phone numbers submitted via our form and insert them into our database.
In this guide, we'll paginate data based on a Model 'Book' and its related 'Category'. We'll cover migrations, models, controllers, views, and seeding testdata.
In this tutorial we'll paginate a hardcoded array using Laravel's LengthAwarePaginator class and render it in the view using normal built-in pagination methods.
How to Insert Form Array Values Into the Database in Laravel
In this guide, we'll explore how to insert form array values into the database in Laravel. We'll cover migrations, models, controllers, validations, and views.
In this tutorial we'll create a scores table with player and their scores. We'll calculate the max score in a controller and show the winner using a blade view.