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In this tutorial you'll learn how to add a custom Blade directive to your Laravel app and how to use it in your blade code.
This tutorial teaches how to define the models, relationships, and factories to create data for a model and its relationships.
Route to Controller with Optional Parameter(s) Using Laravel
In this article, you'll learn how to create a route to a controller with optional parameter(s) and make a demo app which browses products based on parameters.
How to Add a Where Clause to a Relationship Query in Laravel
In this article, we'll explore techniques to add a where clause to Eloquent relationships. I'll explain using methods as with(), withCount() and doesntHave()
This guide will show you how to clone models, with or without relationship data. I'll also include a practical example of cloning a "Project" and "Task" model.
Using @foreach Loops in Laravel Blade (Plus Common Questions)
This post shows how to list users with a @foreach loop in blade and answers FAQs on empty collections, counters, loop exits, key/value pairs, and odd/even rows.